Bat-Pac Battery Eliminator
Since 1991


If your unsure if the Bat-Pac will work for your application, 
please contact me and I'll give you an quick answer.

Yamaha - **RD200, 250, 350, and 400 (USA models only)**, DT 1975 and older, DT50MX, XS650, YX600 Radian, XJ750, XJ650, XJ550, Maxim, Seca , WR650
**The RD200, 250, 350, and 400 USA models require battery power to the points, 
and the electromagnet rotor windings to work, so the Bat-Pac will not work on them,. 
BUT; The later RD400E,F.and G from the UK. and the RD400F&G from Canada 
use a magneto CDI, as do the 1980-82 RD350LCs, so they can use the Bat-Pac. 

Honda - C50, C70, C90, CT50, CT70, CT90, CT110, TLR
works on newer CT models that have a voltage regulator.

Kawasaki - KZ650 1977 and newer, KE

Suzuki - GN250

The Bat-Pac works on all PMA, and magneto type systems.
The Bat-Pac is compatible with 6 and 12 volt systems, positive or negative ground.
The Bat-Pac can be used along with a battery for improved voltage output of the charging system .

In general, if it has a permanent magnet flywheel, chances are the Bat-Pac will work.
Older bikes that have a point type magneto can also use the Bat-Pac.
The Bat-Pac won't work on brush type alternators that power the ignition, or fuel injection models.

Please realize, there is no available power until the motor is running.
If the motorcycle has an electric starter, you will lose this function.
If you decide to buy a Bat-Pac and it does not work for your application,
or you are unhappy for any reason, "No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee."

Thanks for your interest, Derek Nichols
Bat-Pac Email: [email protected]

Webpage Design and Search Engine Optimizing by,
Derek Nichols